Taylor Redd

Taylor Redd is a mompreneur and the founder of Redd Rose Vodka, a brand that celebrates women in the spirits industry. With a background in law and nine years of experience as a bartender, Taylor is a passionate entrepreneur who has combined her expertise in legal affairs and spirits to create a brand that is both unique and empowering.

After graduating from law school, Taylor worked in the legal industry before discovering her passion for bartending. For nine years, she worked in various bars and restaurants, honing her skills and learning about the spirits industry. During this time, she noticed that the industry was predominantly male-dominated, and she felt that women's contributions were not being celebrated enough.

This led Taylor to create Redd Rose Vodka, a brand that celebrates the hard work and contributions of women in the spirits industry. The brand's name, Redd Rose, is a nod to Taylor's surname, as well as a symbol of feminine strength and beauty.

In addition to her passion for creating a brand that empowers women, Taylor has also studied the spirits industry extensively. She has a deep understanding of the production process and the legalities involved in the sale and distribution of spirits. This knowledge has allowed her to create a unique product that stands out in a crowded marketplace.

As a mompreneur, Taylor is committed to balancing her business and personal life. She has two children and understands the importance of being present for her family while also pursuing her entrepreneurial dreams. Through hard work and dedication, she has built a successful brand that is loved by many and has earned her a reputation as a respected leader in the spirits industry.

Rose Redd was a trailblazing entrepreneur who created a safe space for women during a time when it was not fashionable to do so. As the grandmother of Taylor Redd, she played an instrumental role in inspiring her granddaughter to pursue her entrepreneurial dreams.

Rose Redd grew up in a time when opportunities for women were limited. However, she was determined to create a better life for herself and her family. In the 1970s, she started a small business selling goods at flea markets. Despite the challenges she faced as a woman in a male-dominated industry, she persevered and built a successful business.

One of Rose Redd's most significant contributions to the industry was creating a safe space for women at her flea markets. At a time when women were often harassed and belittled in public spaces, Rose Redd's flea markets provided a welcoming environment for women to shop, socialize, and do business. Her dedication to creating a safe space for women helped to pave the way for future generations of female entrepreneurs.

Rose Redd's impact on the industry did not go unnoticed. She was recognized as a leader in her community and a mentor to other women. Her commitment to helping others succeed was an inspiration to everyone who knew her.

As the grandmother of Taylor Redd, Rose Redd's legacy continues to inspire future generations of entrepreneurs. Her dedication to creating a safe space for women and empowering others to succeed has left a lasting impact on the business world.